Greek Warfare: Myths and Realities
This text on Greek warfare ranges from the concrete details of conducting raids, battles and sieges to more theoretical questions about the causes, costs, and consequences of warfare in archaic and classical Greece.
Magnificent Failure: Free Fall from the Edge of Space
Locked in a desperate Cold War race against the Soviets to find out if humans could survive in space and live through a free fall from space vehicles, the Pentagon gave civilian adventurer Nick Piantanida s Project Strato-Jump little notice until May Day, 1966. Operating in the shadows of well-funded, high-visibility Air Force and Navy projects, the former truck driver and pet store owner set a new world record for manned balloon altitude. Rising more than 23 miles over the South Dakota prairie, Piantanida nearly perished trying to set the world record for the highest free fall parachute jump from that height. On his next attempt, he would not be so lucky. Part harrowing adventure story, part space history, part psychological portrait of an extraordinary risk-taker, this story fascinates and intrigues the armchair adventurer in all of us.
Mind-Body Identity Theories (Problems of Philosophy)
Believing that mind-body theories will offer a unified account of mind in its relation to body, Cynthia Macdonald traces the complex history of this theory and focuses on the different arguments of J.J.C. Smart and David Lewis among others.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan (Rl Life)(Oop) (Real-Life Reader Biography)
The 47th Bomb Group (L) contained the 84th, 85th, 86th, and 97th squadrons, plus Headquarters.