Time Management From The Inside Out :The Foolproof System for Taking Control of Your Schedule and Your Life
Julie has a wealth of knowledge and the rare skill of sharing it in a way that matters with everyone else. Apply what you will find in this book, you'll be delighted to discover that you not only get more done each day, but that you have more energy for your family when you get home.
Time Management From The Inside Out :The Foolproof System for Taking Control of Your Schedule and Your Life
The contents and system is great however, using this type of book on Kindle is frustrating. I am going to purchase a paper book so that I can easily flip chapter to chapter and make notes in the margins.
Time Management From The Inside Out :The Foolproof System for Taking Control of Your Schedule and Your Life
This work was clearly written by someone who is very organized and perhaps even a little bit [...] about organization and time management. In the near future, I will review her flagship work Organizing from the Inside Out to effectively gauge just how over the top she can be on appearing to have all her stuff together. One must really feel like they are the best to write a book teaching others to manage their time.I have read many books on time management. This book, in all honesty and fairness, was just not terribly helpful to me (yet at least). I realize that to other people who have different backgrounds, problems and challenges this book may be very helpful and the authors suggestions easy to implement. In fact, I highly recommend this book to students who need some general time management help.My problems are simple. I'm saddled with many projects, many ideas,many books to read, my family, my job, graduate school and the list, like most folks, can go on and on. The plan the author describes is simple. First, write down what you need to do (ok here) second added up how long each thing will take (not OK here), Third decide to delay or delegate (unfortunately, I don't get to delegate much) and last, execute your plan. This is her W.A.D.E. system.I'm in the process of plugging my big pictures goals into Morgenstern's Time Map. It is all about breaking big goals or small ones into manageable chunks of time (containerize) and then executing them. Since many of my goals are very big, like learn ancient Greek, Latin, French, German, write a graduate thesis, improve my reading comprehension and of course become an overall better more well rounded and educated person, I don't expect to be tasting the fruits of my victories any time soon...but Morgenstern's central idea hangs around the notion that you must take concrete steps like the W and the A of WADE, if you are ever going to get the to the E(xecute)[...]
Time Management From The Inside Out :The Foolproof System for Taking Control of Your Schedule and Your Life
I received the order in a very timely manner, and in great condition. (It's also a VERY good book!)
Time Management From The Inside Out :The Foolproof System for Taking Control of Your Schedule and Your Life
This book came fast, new conditon, what more can I ask for?Still reading ths book from time to time, it is a good buy for sure.
Time Management From The Inside Out :The Foolproof System for Taking Control of Your Schedule and Your Life
I can't help but express my disapproval at how a review from 2000, which rated this book one star, is a spotlight review.This reader failed to realize that this book wasn't written for people who are already organized or know the "common sense" things for organization. If organization was that "common sense," more people would be able to get their lives together instantaneously.Morgenstern builds upon her previous best-seller hit, "Organizing from the Inside Out." For people who have read that book, I would agree that "Time Management" does not offer much else in addition to it. However, "Time Management" stands on its own on the reader from 2000 who gave it one star failed to recognize that this book stands on its own apart from her debut.A few choice tips that I have found to have helped me:- Estimate time for big projects: Most people underestimate the time it takes them to do things. It's better to overestimate or get as accurate a time frame as possible. If you overestimate, at least you'll have time to do other things; if you underestimate, you'll feel rushed and like you never have time for anything.- The WADE formula: Readers of "Organizing from the Inside Out" know this formula well.WRITE IT DOWN: Record your tasks in a planner or one area.ADD IT UP: Estimate how long your projects will take.DECIDE what you will do: delay, delegate, delete or diminish tasks.EXECUTE YOUR PLAN: Put your plan into action.- Doing things faster: Pages 69-75 offer great tips for getting things done faster to save YOU time:- Order groceries online- Hire someone to clean if you don't have time to do it yourself- Pay bills online and do it once or twice a month- Lay out clothes the night before- Send virtual greeting cards(While many of the above tips are common sense, many people are disorganized need a gentle reminder - or a swift kick in the you know where - to do many of the easy-to-overlook things.)- Ten Questions to decide on whether to keep a document or paper- Set aside daily time to process paperworl- Compartmentalize your life into six main categories that focus on your "big picture goals" (main things you want to achieve in life). Now, break your life up into smaller pieces to work your way toward those goals.If you found the sampling above helpful, I'd recommend that you purchase this book. "Do not stop, do not collect $200!" If the above was not (somewhat) helpful to you at all, you'd probably be best skipping this book - or you're already organized and don't need it.