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Relationships and Life Cycles: Astrological Patterns of Personal Experience

I have read two of Arroyo's books now and I believe him to not only be a great modern astrologer but also a great and very entertaining writer. His books are written as though he is lecturing to you so it is very engaging and does not bore the reader.This book in particular is great in terms of analyzing your relationship with your significant other and also measuring you interpersonal relationship.I highly recommend this book for the intermediate to advanced astrologer.

Relationships and Life Cycles: Astrological Patterns of Personal Experience

After three years of studying astrology intensively, but without a teacher, I have aquired some of vast astrological knowledge. This book is one of those that really put things in a new perspective for me. A great, readable material! I recommend it sincerely.

Relationships and Life Cycles: Astrological Patterns of Personal Experience

This book contains a series of transcribed lectures and workshops involving relationships and astrology. I found many of the insights to be quite deep even though I have a very different way of looking at things.The first part looks at the capacity of individuals to have relationships, and how to read two charts against eachother (as separate charts). The thoughts here are interesting and provide a great deal that is missing in other astrology books on the subject. My own approach is quite different from Arroyo's (I tend to read the chart in this area using techniques I have borrowed from horary astrology), but Arroyo's approach is something I find challenging in a good way and providing some pieces I might otherwise miss.The next few lectures look at specific means of chart comparisons. Again, I have very different ways of working here, but still found a lot of value in the author's perspective.The final section describes progressions and transits and provides some guidelines for interpretation. This is also of interest.The informal organization of the book is offset by an impressive index making it possible to find information again when needed. On the whole this really should be seen as a classic in the field. Highly recommended.

Relationships and Life Cycles: Astrological Patterns of Personal Experience

Es una lectura muy amena, para el que sabe un poco del idioma astrológico, sin embargo es fácil de leer, y el libro a diferencia de otros de SA está escrito de una forma más informal debido a que es tipo conferencias de pregunta y respuesta.Es un excelente complemento para el otro libro del mismo autor Person to Person Astrology.

Relationships and Life Cycles: Astrological Patterns of Personal Experience

All books written by Stephen Arroyo are an excellent books and this one is a very good book. I recommend it

Allied Military Locomotives of the Second World War

Very good and detailed information on allied locos during WWII.Includes maps of railways from all fronts, line-drawings of the most significant locomotives and pictures of most mentioned.The book to get if the subject interests you.

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