Universal Dictionary of Violin and Bow Makers.
It's a good dictionary for violin and bow makers. Though it doesn't give detailed of each maker, it does provide a nice overview of a huge number of makers + some of their prices in the 1900s. I found it to be useful as a reference when I have to look up someone
Universal Dictionary of Violin and Bow Makers.
Does anyone out there know what the market price for this book could be? I have searched but I get various prices with some looking like they are composed of various sets. ASIN: B004SB84AK
Divine Madness: Why I Am Still a Nun
This little book it one of the best books about being called to a religous life and what it's like to follow that call. I've read a lot of books about life as a nun and this one is the one that spoke to me the most. It adresses many aspects of why one would choose to become a nun and why one would want to stay. Her writing style is easy to read and laced with humour. I would want Sister Karol Jackowski as a friend. But then again, after reading this book and "Ten Fun Things To Do Before You Die", I kind of feel like she already is.
Divine Madness: Why I Am Still a Nun
My favorite book by Karol Jackowski, Divine Madness, relates to all women, not just nuns. By sharing her experiences and inner feelings, Sister Karol, allows us to look into ourselves and find a common bond. She brings to light the relationships woman share and often take for granted.
How to Select & Use Canon SLR Cameras
This is a pretty good reference for the older FD-series cameras. Includes details on T90, T80, T70, T50, New F-1 (no old F-1 refs), AE-1 Program, AE-1, A-1, Canon-brand FD lenses, Speedlite flashes of the time (199A, 188A, 166A, 533G, 577G, & ML-1), and the various system and lense accessories available from Canon. It also includes a lot of basic photography chapters found in any good photography book, along with good explanations of mechanical and electronic operation. Even though most of the Canon-specific info can be found online throughout several good websites, I am very glad I have this reference since it appears to be complete and has everything in one place. Especially useful for figuring out what Canon-branded lenses and accessories are available for my old FD cameras (through used sales), and what their specs are for easy comparison.Color and B&W pictures, 208 pages. Published by HPBooks, revised 1987.
Single Spies Talking
There is something rather sadistic in Alan Bennett's portraits of self-delusion in "Talking Heads." In contrast, his short plays (originally teleplays) about very British Soviet spies are more open to complexity. The most interesting characters are Coral Browne as herself in "An Englishman Abroad" and the queen in "A Question of Attribution," though Burgess and Blunt are multidimensional in ways none of the talking heads are. The scene of the queen and Blunt which was played so well by Prunella Scales and Edward (or was it James?) Fox in the BBC production is brilliantly written. Bennett is, indeed, a master at writing lines that give away or seem to give away more than the character understands-or seems to understand. The audience knows best with the "artless" talking heads, but neither Blunt nor the audience can be quite sure if the queen has toyed with him or is as straightforward and concerned with concrete facts as she presents herself as being. "Who did what?" is also very much in question in the "Titians" Blunt is examining and in the puzzle of who was running the spies who were eventually revealed.