Unix Distributed Programming
Chris Brown has written a clear book on the Distributed Progrmming under the UNIX environment. When I started to look into this subject I faced so many barriers cause of lack of clarity and easiness of the other books and materials covering this subject. I have to admit also that I sometimes decided to give the whole thing up. Fortunately, I came across this book and it revived my hope. It is really a good book to start with and deserves of studying. Particular attention should be paid on Sockets. I would however suggest some matterials on the web which could be covered before reading this book. Many examples have worked for me. The way he provides the code examples (which are in C) is also comprehensive and anyone with experience in C should not have problems with understanding them. I would, however, recommend other books (such as Stevens Unix Network Programming and Advanced Programming under the UNIX environment as well as <in the case of client-server programming> Comer's and Steven's Internetworking with TCP/IP III) to read as a flow-up manuals. One should also test available code (the coplete ones) to have some hands on experience on the subject. Some of the thing did not seem consistent with the author to me.
Unix Distributed Programming
This book has very nice explanations. Sometimes they almost seem too simple, but you can count on it not being over your head. It has lots of illustrations and is fairly easy to read. I think the author takes a complex topic and explains it very, very well. It's also a lot shorter than some of the books by W. Richard Stevens. Both this book and Stevens's "UNIX Network Programming" are too old to include POSIX semaphores. If you get your hands on a book on UNIX distributed programming, look in the index for "sem_init" or posix to see if it has the latest technology. I think everyone who programs in a unix environment should read this book to get a broad introduction to this topic. If you have the time to read 2 books on this topic, I recommend this one 1st to understand the concepts and another book with more examples to get more ideas for coding.
Unix Distributed Programming
This book has helped me a lot with my assignments in a graduate distributed systems course. Even if you are not familiar with UNIX distributed programming, after reading this book, you will start writing excellent programs for UNIX distributed environment. (You need to be familiar with programming in C)
Unix Distributed Programming
I originally bought this book back in 1997 and used it to aid my development into writing client server (mostly server) applications running under UNIX.This book has been heavily used, and many of the server applications I wrote under unix (up until working with windows 3 years ago) using examples from the book on Signals, Pipes and Sockets (while also using Avanced Unix Programming).Today I dusted off the book as I wanted to write a quick TCP server program using Winsock. I took the example from the book in Sockets and with a couple of very minor tweaks and the stuff to setup winsock I wrote a very simple windows console server application.OK, some of the commands, like close is closesocket, have changed for windows BUT the majority of code came from the book. This book is still aiding me even today.This maybe an old book but well worth that cost (and these days its a fraction of the cost I bought it for).
The Golden Road
This was the sweetest book I ever read I <3 the story girl and all the King cousins. This was amazing I will definitely be reading this again
The Golden Road
A wonderful follow up to THE STORY GIRL as the antics of the extended King family continue to grow up.