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Thomas Paine : Collected Writings : Common Sense / The Crisis / Rights of Man / The Age of Reason / Pamphlets, Articles, and Letters (Library of America)

It does not get any better than this as far as political writing is concerned. Thomas Paine's works are required reading, no other author has moved me so. If you only ever read one author in this line of writing, Thomas Paine is your man. Common Sense started a nation, Rights of Man defined the cause for liberty, Age of Reason gave us clarity. All this from a best selling author that forwent all profit, donating the proceeds to the cause of freedom. Certainly there were greats before him. John Locke, Voltaire, and others stand tall on the stage of history, but Paine delivered the message to the masses. Thomas Paine changed men's hearts and stirred revolutions. Modern democratic republics owe a debt of gratitude to Thomas Paine. The world is a better place for having had him.

Thomas Paine : Collected Writings : Common Sense / The Crisis / Rights of Man / The Age of Reason / Pamphlets, Articles, and Letters (Library of America)

Brilianty written with passion and fury for the common men of this historic period of time. Essays written not for the elitests but for those who could and did make a difference. Paines works are truly historical and express the point of view of the common man who day after day is raped with taxes and control by a royal family thousands of miles away who could care less for the people they take claim to.His works helped give birth to the greatest nation to bless the Earth.

Thomas Paine : Collected Writings : Common Sense / The Crisis / Rights of Man / The Age of Reason / Pamphlets, Articles, and Letters (Library of America)

Compared to the founding fathers like, Thomas Jefferson, Tom Paine, George Washington etc, today's politicians are like children.In the age of reason Tom Paine does NOT criticize God he does criticises organised religion and how it has been manipulated by the powerful for their own selfish ends. It seems to me that Money is the new religion and like religion before it, it is being manipulated by a few greedy people to the detriment of the majority of the people both American foreign.If one takes the time to read and understand what "fractional reserve banking" is, how it works and it's implications then one will know why Thomas Jefferson wrote warning the people of America against the banks and why they must never allow the banks to create the worlds money. Sadly this warning has been ignored and we see the result.I advise the everyone, partially Americans, to read this book with an open mind and other works written by your founding fathers, you may find that the wisdom of these good and clever men an antidote to the half truths on CNN and the rest of the corporate owned media.

Thomas Paine : Collected Writings : Common Sense / The Crisis / Rights of Man / The Age of Reason / Pamphlets, Articles, and Letters (Library of America)

If you want to understand the meaning of freedom, fraternity and equality. These writings are good step to build a better world through better nations.

Thomas Paine : Collected Writings : Common Sense / The Crisis / Rights of Man / The Age of Reason / Pamphlets, Articles, and Letters (Library of America)

This is virtually the ultimate collection on Thomas Paine, the daring revoloutionary in his own right. I have been familar with his writings particularly 'Common Sense' and the 'Rights of Man' and various pamphlets but I had not read his controversial, for the time, "The Age of Reason'. I had a rebirth in my interest in Paine when listening to Clay Jenkinson discuss Paine during the "The Thomas Jefferson Hour". Jenkinson described Paine as a great patriot with his enlightening arguments in 'Common Sense' while 'The Age of Reason' was described as very daring, costing him many of his supporters, for questioning religion. In reason, Paine speakes as deist, believing in a supreme being yet a being that does not intervene in human life or alter the laws of nature. It's an intellectual argument that raises fascinating questions, particularly for the time although Deism had a relatively significant following in parts of the western world. This is a great respource on the writings of Paine, a great book to pull off the shelf and read a particular article. Thus, this compilation provides you pretty much the complete writings of Thomas Paine, certianly the essential Thomas Paine, in a handsome single volume.

Thomas Paine : Collected Writings : Common Sense / The Crisis / Rights of Man / The Age of Reason / Pamphlets, Articles, and Letters (Library of America)

Paine was a patriot that believed that the country belonged to it's people, and it was up to the citizens to keep their democracy.He like the other founders knew that in order to be a truly free people they must rebel against th tyranny of England and set up a democracy where the people ruled it's government.A revoluntary, patriot whose readings is a must for anyone that is for keeping the government, of, by and for the people.

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