The grand inquisitor
Fyodor D. is one of the greatest authors of all time. I have never been able to put down his books for an extended period. ...AND IT'S Free!
The grand inquisitor
The Grand Inquisitor is Dostoyevsky at his peak. The character of the Inquisitor overturns all the reader's expectations and becomes a kind of anti-hero.
The grand inquisitor
I agree that having it taken from Dostoyevsky's Brothers Karamazov did diminish it somewhat, but not to the degree the first author postulates.This book is scary. Damned scary. Excerpt or not, this is a truly frightening book because it not only explains succinctly how a person in the Inquisitor's position might justify his actions themselves, but also how he might rationalize such an act against the people he is charged with and sworn to protect and bring enlightenment to. (The church was, at the time, one of the sole places to find literate and educated peoples.) Dostoyevsky's observations could be used to explain not only the Inquisitions and witch trials throughout history, but could also be applied to explain a great many modern day atrocities.That makes this important--in pretty much any form. And given the short attention spans of people these days, I'd rather them read this than not consider these ideas at all.
The grand inquisitor
This is an extract from Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazof. It is a great discussion of how the established church and religious might treat Jesus if he were to appear today. Everyone recognizes Jesus for who he is, but seem willing to execute him for a piece of bread. It is nice to have this classic separate from the entire text from which it came. This version works well on the Kindle. The actual "appearance" of Jesus does not begin until about 8% into the book, with the introductory lines from Ivan, "My poem is of the same character."
The grand inquisitor
You get what you pay for, especially with books online. I got the cheapest copy of this book on Amazon. The cover was made of some very shiny synthetic material. I'm not sure why this bothered me, but it did. There were many spelling and punctuation errors. With my OCD tendencies about grammatical errors in my books, it was distracting. If you're looking for a low priced classic book, I would suggest perusing your local mom and pop bookstore. You're less likely to come across these terrible reproductions. It's not a book I would want to keep in my library.
The grand inquisitor
"The Grand Inquisitor" is a story embeded within THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV. However, the story is "self-contained." Nothing is lost by reading it as a complete short story. In my opinion, "The Grand Inquisitor" is the greatest single story ever written. It's an interesting look at humanity, spirituality, and the church. If you are only going to read one more thing before you die, you must read "The Grand Inquisitor."*This particular edition, however, seems to have some typos that were not caught by the proof-reader, but they're nothing very serious.