Why Men Love Bitches: From Doormat to Dreamgirl - A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship
If you are ready for dating and looking for a great book on the topic, then this should be your first stop. I've read 8-10 dating books, and this book has the best format and the best content.However, if you are not sure you are ready for dating, then I think you should take a step back, see what your issues are, and how you can deal with them. Each time I thought I was ready for dating, it turned out I wasn't. I met a great guy a few months ago, and unfortunately because I don't love myself, I couldn't trust that I deserve happiness.If you have healthy self-esteem but need some pointers when it comes to dating, then this book is exactly what you are looking for. Some women (me included) think that bending over backward for a man is the way to his heart. It's not. This book taught me that. Men love mystery. They love the chase. They don't want someone who will sleep with them on the first or second date, reveal their soul after a 4 hour conversation, and jump through hoops for the relationship. Look at nature, look at the shows about animals. The male species is supposed to pursue the female species. If you are pursuing men, then read this book. They like to do nice things for women. They love the thrill of the chase.If you are unsure whether or not you are ready for dating (maybe you've had bad relationships in the past that make you doubt yourself), then work on your self-esteem. Until you learn to love yourself, you won't allow anyone else to love you. I know from personal experience. I couldn't trust that a great guy cared about me. I thought once he saw the true me, he would run away. But he was amazing and I pushed him away because I couldn't trust in it. This book is not what helped me deal with my issues, books about self-esteem, self-love, self-acceptance are what have helped me with that aspect of my life. If you struggle like I do, then read You can Heal Your Life and Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on it.
Why Men Love Bitches: From Doormat to Dreamgirl - A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship
I've read this and also Why Men Mary Bitches and cannot say enough good things about these books. I never realized what a Door Mat I was --just doing normal stuff we girls do when we start falling for a guy-- until I read the "Bitch Books." (BITCH = Babe in Total Control of Herself). I just became a Dream Girl to a great guy. It worked for me. If you're repeatedly wondering "what went wrong this time?" then look no further. Get it, read it, love it!
Why Men Love Bitches: From Doormat to Dreamgirl - A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship
"Let him chase you until you catch him" is a very nice sound bite but I wish Sherri would have elaborated more on that point in her book. If we succeed at getting guys to chase us, at what point do we stop running and surrender? In my opinion, Sherri doesn't give much guidance on how to discern the nice guys from the jerks; the implication is to treat them all like jerks until they prove they are worthy. Sherri tells us our best defense against getting played is to withhold sex. Guys that really like us, according to Sherri, will wait to have sex with us. I know from experience, ladies, it's just not that simple; the players and fakers can play the waiting game too. A better book to learn about how to read men is "Manslations." This book tells you what clues to look for in a man that indicate he's worth your time and states that if you don't see these things coming from a man, you just pass on the frogs until you find the prince. The prince is out there! His book was easier to follow and made better sense to me.
Why Men Love Bitches: From Doormat to Dreamgirl - A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship
I have ALWAYS had the needy problem with my boyfriend. It starts by me showering him with gift and attention, he doesnt appreciate it, I get hurt and nag, he runs away, I nag cause he's running away, he runs away even more. It's REALLLLLYY frustrating when all we girls ever want to do is just show our guys how much we love them and then expect that they reciprocate or at LEAST show they appreciate our effort. I have just read the book and havent applied any of the techniques as of yet but I will very shortly. I have a huge feeling it will work considering every time I give up on naging my bf and leave him alone he comes running back lol.I gave up A LOT of time with my friends because he would wine about hanging out. But whenever it came down to HIM giving up quality time with HIS friend, HECK no that would neverrrr happen. This book really helps me see that I shouldnt be so weak and just drop all my plans because my bf asks me to hang out at the last minute. It's not healthy for girls to do this but unfotunately it happens ALL the time.I've read that some of the reviews say that it didnt really work (or wouldnt work) because it made the guy give up the chase quickly cause she may have seemed to be too aloof or playing a game. From this I would recommend that people dont take the advice of this book TOO far. For example, u should show the guy that u care about him but NOT more than what he is showing u. It's not like u have to be totally aloof and pretend that he means nothing to u and act like u could do better. No. Act like u like him like he likes u but dont have a meltdown and freak attack when he starts acting distant or taking u for granted. Instead just ease down on doing the stuff u feel he is taking granted of and back off. Dont yell at him if he cancels plans. Just say something like "that's ok baby we can hang out another day. I really needed some time to get my work done anyway." Or wtvr else. And then occasionaly understand that U should break plans as well if ever the occasion comes. Dont try and bend over backwards to see him if he doesnt do the same for u.This book shows u that it's not that ur bf doesnt love u, it's just that he's different from u. He needs different things in a relationship than u do. And it's best to read this book in order to understand their perspective and not feel so bad about urself if things arent going great at the moment in ur relationship. This happens to sooooo many people and I feel this book explains it perfectly on how to react to certain situations in a relationship when ur inner needyness of a girl is dying to pop up. Keep this book at close hand!
Why Men Love Bitches: From Doormat to Dreamgirl - A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship
I have read this book at least 2 times. It is amazingly written, concise, everything is explained to the point and simply. I would definitely recommend this book to every lady out there who feels her man is not the same as he was the first months since they've met.It's true what they say - if you want to change the world, start with yourself. And if you want your man to change, stop trying to change HIM, change your attitude and respect yourself to the point, where he will start respecting you back!If you're not sure how to do this, then READ THIS BOOK!
Why Men Love Bitches: From Doormat to Dreamgirl - A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship
Pros: The book is humorous and does have a point. I love the fact that unlike many books on relationships, it is really specific with examples, not vague. It's a great tool to show women how to establish their boundaries so that they don't get walked over and make a man the center of their life, just part of it. Most men claim they want a "nice" woman and they do. But it seems like when a woman may think she's just being nice, being friendly or caring by initiating calls and cooking for him all the time, doing, doing, doing, then a man starts to think she's being too available, not mysterious enough, too accommodating and too motherly. Even guys who are generally nice behave this way towards the woman who is "too nice". And they think it must mean she's desperate and needy. Then he will start withdrawing and the "too nice" woman wonders what when wrong when she was being so loving.. It's sort of like the whole "nice guy" thing that most women get turned off by. This mainly applies to the courtship phase. Masculine men do enjoy the chase and mental challenges when they test you. as much as many will deny it, but I've seen it time and time again. I've been too nice to men, not the degree the book describes but I've experienced similar outcomes from being too nice.Cons: The author says she's not advocating gameplaying but many of her examples were gameplaying..and although she states the book is meant to be humorous, I feel like a lot of women will take these literally. e.g. the girl who pretended she was coming over in the rain, just to get back at the guy who booty called her. Or telling a guy you aren't looking for anything serious when you really are but you're hoping to have him try to win you over. Um many guys will think you really meant you aren't looking for anything serious and proceed with a casual relationship or look for a woman who does want something. That IS gameplaying and hoping to manipulate. All that might get a man to continue seeing you but it won't necessarily get his heart.I also take issue with relationship advice that pretty encourages women to "suck it up" and make it seem like we should be in a battle with men and stuff emotions down, and Argov does this frequently. It's as though she's encouraging women to be more like "one of the guys" in some ways and telling women to steer away from some of our feminine qualities. I believe in the feminine energy-oriented relationship advice out there for us of expressing authentic feelings and just not being dramatic and making your man feel blamed (as we wouldn't want to feel blamed too, right?) Otherwise we're being artificial. So I disagree with where she says to state things in a more "business like manner" such as "I think that" or you will seem "too emotional". That's just putting walls up and I think this all may just give more connection but not deep romantic commitment. It's definitely better to express authenticity and vulnerability using the phrase "I feel",again without being too dramatic.I still give it 3 stars for it's humor and that it did such a great job in stressing that you have to teach a man how to treat you and showing you how to do it. That was the best piece I got out of it. But really check out the materials out there that stress and focus on the parts regarding feminine energy and being open... that's a more authentic way of being and will get you to love without the gameplaying.