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The Frogs Wore Red Suspenders

This is a wonderful book! My nieces would not let me put it down. They kept shouting "Read it again!". The illustrations are so nice and I love how the auther incorporates names of cities (Tusculoosa--what a great word!) and famous places into the poems. You will want every child you know to have a copy.

The Frogs Wore Red Suspenders

My son is about to turn 4 and LOVES this book. We make up songs to many on the poems, act out the different siutations and went in search of red suspenders for him. The poems are simple but visual and evocative of seasons, moods and fun. I highly recommend it!!!

The Frogs Wore Red Suspenders

My nearly 2 year old daughter has us read this to her over and over. Last week at a restaurant she spontaneously started reciting "Peanut Peg & Peanut Pete". It's fun to read cover to cover or just a few. And I can see her reading it for many years to come.Definitely a good addition to your child's library.

The Frogs Wore Red Suspenders

In general I am not too fond of poetry, be it adult or children's poetry. I ordered this book along with several others by Jack Prelutsky for my 4 grandsons ranging in age from 2 to 7. As I usually do, I read every one of them before they do. Since I am not as eloquent as the author I cannot find the appropriate words as to how to describe how special these books are. Every child and adult with a sense of humor should pick up at least one of Mr. Prelutsky's books and read it. Even though they are written for kids, as an adult I found them to be more then special. He is an excellent author who does things with words that will not only entertain you and any child that is lucky enough to own his books, but after reading them I would not be surprised if this introduction to poetry will result in kids at any age being anxious to read more of Mr. Prelutsky's books. This author is exceptional when it comes to putting into verse life the way kids perceive it. His expertise in making the verses flow and rhyme so perfectly is a literary experience all children of any age should be exposed to. Any adult reading these books to a young child will not be bored and will actually look forward to the forthcoming verbal interaction that will be fulfilling for both the child and the adult. Some of his books are written for children that are reading on their own. These children will no doubt enjoy reading the books that were written for younger kids as well. Don't be surprised if they go back to these books over and over again even when childhood is just a memory. Do a child a favor and open the door to a very special reading experience that will not soon be forgotten.The books themselves which include both hardcover and soft cover are made so that each page is thick enough to withstand being handled by children and even the soft covered books look and feel as if they are much more expensive than what I actually paid for them. When you hold it you can see how substantial and well made the book is. Like the potato chip commercial says, you can't just read one, after reading one I am sure that you will want to buy all of Mr. Prelutsky's children's books which is exactly what I did.

The Frogs Wore Red Suspenders

my son loves the whimsical poems and funny illustrations. Poems about elephants in sycamore trees, people who end up getting lamps and oars when they went to the store to buy food, hopping toads and mice building snowmice. It's cute, and the silliness of the content plays right into the magical imagination of my's like Prelutsky gets them and never lost that childlike part of himself. Fun read. We've had it for 2 years and my son still runs to get it!

Megan: Sisters (Harlequin Superromance No. 742)

I was sad when I got to the last book in the set. It always breaks my heart a little for the story to end. When good authors put together these great stories, the characters become a part of you.

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