Flowering House Plants
As usual, Nelson Demmille kept me guessing to the end. There is always a new twist just before the end.
Flowering House Plants
Enjoyed. It was fast moving and written in a style that seemed very real so far as the way of speaking etc.Sometimes a bit too real in light of the world problems that we have to endure and the story-line is not beyond the realms of possibility I should'nt think. Therefore it was a bit daunting at times.
Flowering House Plants
A thriller that suffers from too many words and unnecessary filler. The pace for this story slows and becomes tedious in places. A third of the book could be removed and it would be an improvement.
Flowering House Plants
I had read this one earlier, but lost it somewhere, so I actually ordered it again after reading the sequel. A gripping story, but IMHO badly marred by the tongue in cheek of J Corey - such an irritating character!.
Flowering House Plants
Fast moving thriller....explicit violence at times ..but a really good read.. . Also enjoy the nextbook in the series "The Lion" as the thrills continue to excite.
Flowering House Plants
One of the really great reads, pacey, witty and relevant, Nelson De Mille certainly knows how to create a character that is truly an anti-hero. Fantastic.