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The Story Hour

This is certainly a wonderful collection compiled by Esther M. Bjoland. This review is in reference to the 1976 revised edition. The book is filled with small short stories, poems, sayings and wonderful illustrations for both boys and girls. Some of the stories are nice and simple, others more involved. You will amost certainly be able to find quite a handful of stories for your young one in this volume. I do like the illustrations also. Recommend this one highly.

The Story Hour

I got this book (1965 ed) as a set of 4 child horizons books when I was a child, now many years later I still find its mixture of rhymes. short stories and illustrations one of the best resources for bed-time stories for my little ones, with it companion story book "parade of stories" highly recommended.

The Story Hour

I got these books when 3 years old (but my parents bought the set for my older brother and sister). I was the only one who ready these books and i believe they are my inspiration for the reader that i am today after over 50 years. The stories from both The Story Hour and Parade of Stories are fabulous (I know them all my heart and can recite to my kids and grandkids all the time). I credit these books for not only my love of reading, but for the fact that I starting reading these all by myself within a year (I asked anyone and everyone to read these to me). Over the years and moving, I lost the Story Hour but still have the original Parade of Stories. I also still use the matching "things to make and do" and have done the projects myself as a kid and then with my own kds and grandkids. there are all levels of activities and so easy to modify so you can use what you have. A simple paperplate turns into a magic table cleaner, and an empty oatmeal box is loads of fun. Highly recommend these books and can't say enough.gail

The Story Hour

My brother and I had these books as kids. Now that I'm grown up & my child is reading age, I've been looking for them. My mom says we still have them in a box somewhere. They really are great. Here about 20 years later, I still remember the stories fondly. Hopefully we find them. If not, I've found some eBay auctions for the set.

The Story Hour

This is an excellent book. I had this book as a child and loved it. I used it for my children when they were small and now am going to get copies of this same book for my children to use for their children. I can't say enough good things about it. Fun nursery rhymes, & good stories. Probably things children don't hear enough of anymore.

Dark Empire Sourcebook (Star Wars RPG)

If you're a nut for the facts and figures behind Star Wars stories - like I am - and if you reckon Dark Empire is the best-ever Star Wars story outside of the films - like I do! - you can't go past West End Games' Dark Empire Sourcebook. It's the perfect companion to the Dark Horse Comics series, profiling the humans, aliens, planets and technology that appear in it. While it's primarily intended as a resource for the Dark Empire roleplaying game, non-gamers will get just as much satisfaction out of the fascinating in-depth information. To top off a fine compendium, full-colour glossy pages showcase Dave Dorman's stunning cover art from the comic series. Buy - there is no try!

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