Of Mice and Men (Penguin Audiobooks)
I never thought of Salinas California being so interesting but the author John Steinbeck made it seem like a place I would to go visit.In the book "Of Mice and Men" they describe the setting as a ranch in Salinas Valley that George and Lennie worked on.The time period that the story takes place is during "The Great Depression" which impacts the story and makes it very different such as in the way they talk and things they do.There were two main characters in the book.One was George,he was a normal size man,strong and smart.The other was Lennie,he was big,tall and muscular but he was retarded. So George was like the caretaker of Lennie because he did'nt know any better.Mainly this book is about two hobo,s who are trying to fufill their dream fo live of the "fatta the land" (Steinbeck pg.14).I would recommend this story to eighth grade and above because it is kind of a challenge to understand but it's a very good book.I like this book because it is very different from many books that i have read.But one thing about this book that i like is that it's very unique.
Of Mice and Men (Penguin Audiobooks)
This reading by Gary Sinese is the BEST. He uses different voices for each character. The audio translates the true spirit of the novel.
Of Mice and Men (Penguin Audiobooks)
Two things prevents this product from receiving 5 stars. One is the fact that the copy I received was scratched and skips in many different parts. The second reason is that the CD does not have any sort of guide to let one know where the audio starts and stops. If one is listening to it continuously, it is not a problem. Gary Sinise does a good job reading the different parts.
Of Mice and Men (Penguin Audiobooks)
I just finished reading this novel for school. It was such a heart warming story about George Milton and his mentally retarded companion Lennie. They begin working on a ranch that they desire to eventually buy and overcome many obstacles while working there. The ending of this novel was totally unexpected to me and I love when stories have a twist. The movie was just as great! I think I will read the Pearl next because it's in my closet and John Steinbeck has such an original writing style that makes me want to keep reading. I highly recommend this book if you enjoy classics. Everybody has to read this book some time in their life, so go out and get it!
Of Mice and Men (Penguin Audiobooks)
John Steinbeck, a name that will remain in the literary history books forever. His writing is broadly criticized and marveled at; he was one of the most controversial writers of his time. Despite the dark veil he often wrote behind there are many gems of wisdom to be had about the way life was, and is. I have read other books of his such as: East of Eden, The Pearl, and The Red Pony. I am no stranger to his style or his brilliance, both of which make the beautiful tale Of Mice and Men all that it is.Life was hard for the wandering laborers of California, maybe more so for George and Lennie. Although both are good men at heart they find stiff opposition in the eyes of men who cannot overlook the fact that Lennie is different. With the strength of a bull and the mind of a child Lennie does not see life the way most men do. He travels with George, who is tasked with the endless job of protecting Lennie from himself and a cruel society. They lead a simple existence, traveling from farm to farm working as laborers to keep their place on the edge of time. But even this misfit pair have their own ideas, they share the American dream and a longing to be their own masters. Standing between them and their goal though are the cold eyes of a world that has hardened itself and embraced greed along with arrogance. Despite Lennie's ever good intentions he always manages to get himself into trouble, not because of faults of his own but because of the differences of others. And ultimately it is Lennie's fear of getting in trouble that leads to their downfall.In this novel there is nothing that I can complain about. Steinbeck's laid back sense that he creates when storytelling is almost always present in this novel. This is not to say that the book will bore you, quite to the contrary, it will reach out to you and envelope you in the plot and familiarize you with the characters until they are old friends of yours. This book is short, only about 100 pages, however that is all that is needed to tell a tale that will lead you on an incredible journey, a journey through the territories of the human soul: joy, love, excitement, and finally sorrow. This book is a good read for anybody, and is an exceptional read for those that can grasp the underlying brilliance in this seemingly simple story.To say it all in a word, bravo. Bravo to one of the best writers there ever was or will be. I am honored to award this book a five star rating, in fact I consider it a privilege to be able to bestow my opinion of this masterpiece on others. And I urge whoever may read this simple review, Of Mice and Men is a book that will try all human emotion and in the end leave you with much more than you started with. Sometimes like putting a pet to sleep, all that can saved from the best of friendships is the dignity of what there once was. This novel demonstrates better than ever that in life there are mice and there are men.
Of Mice and Men (Penguin Audiobooks)