Tess of the D'Urbervilles: A pure woman (Harper's modern classics)
Stirring up controversy was one thing that Thomas Hardy did best, and this book is one of them. This story was attacking so many different subjects in the time it was first published, which makes it all the better to read. I wouldn't recommend this book to just anyone, only people who can appreciate how the text of this book was written and how the Hardy wove many different ideas together to create a tragic life and ending for such a young girl. The impact of what happened throughout Tesses short life is what stunned me the most. Innocence or mentality? Only the author knows.
Tess of the D'Urbervilles: A pure woman (Harper's modern classics)
What else can I say that the other positive reviewers havn't yet? It was wonderfully written and truly heart wrenching. It took a lot of guts for Hardy to publish it as well because it was was a very contriversial for its time and contains messages that can be carried over into today even. A perfect example of Victorian literature, which is 2nd to none except fantasy ;)
Tess of the D'Urbervilles: A pure woman (Harper's modern classics)
Tess is just beautifully written. the language is poetry, and it is melodious. duty, fate, and destiny appear throughout the book. and they make the readers wonder about their own life. it is just an amazing book!
Tess of the D'Urbervilles: A pure woman (Harper's modern classics)
This novel, which I have just finished, is without a doubt one of the most incredible reads I have had. Immaculately crafted, beautifully written and profoundly moving. wow.
Tess of the D'Urbervilles: A pure woman (Harper's modern classics)
A masterpiece. It is hard to find the right words to express my feelings about this beautiful and tragic story. Tess, the lovely, tenderhearted milkmaid who, in the face of much adversity never gives up, is one of my favorite heroines in all literature. I could fully understand her dilemma, and that of Angel as well. It is true that there are times when Destiny is stronger than us, no matter how good our intentions.
Tess of the D'Urbervilles: A pure woman (Harper's modern classics)
Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles is a novel which focuses on the double standards of the Victorian era. It is a beautifully written novel about one wopman and her struggle to find love and her duty to her family.Tess was a child who sought to right her wrong by working for her "cousins" she hoped that by doing this she could become a productive member of the family particularly as the eldest child. She was required to take care pof most of the chores as her siblings were too young to help the family. As a daughter she was taught that it was her duty to marry wealth so that her family would not have to live in squallor. In her attempt to do this she was taken advantage of, but not raped, and she was made pregnant. She could not abort the child, and she could not properly carry the child to term without being married. She did the latter of these because she hated the childs father. Many times she wished that the child would die so that it would not have to live with the bastard lable. She felt that it was best that the child be taken from the earth to make her and her child's life easier.Tess soon finds that there is a doiuble standard for pre-marital sex in Victorian England. Her husband, on there wedding night admits that he has been promiscuous, Tess is greatly relieved by this because she thinks that he will be more accepting of her situation when she tells him, this is not so. Angel, her husband, walk out on tess and leaves her to fend for herself, an unloved and un cared for woman. This novel ends sadly with Tess' death after Angel comes back to her and they live happily for a number of days.This novel is an excellent example of social commentary in the form of literary art. This novel is a poinient dipiction of the life of a young woman in Victorian England. A well written novel with excellent character development one of the best book that I have ever read.