Oh, the Things I Know!
Watch out Dr. Suess--Al Franken has given you a run for your money with this laugh-out-loud "advice" book. You'll be reading it aloud in no time to your friends and family. One of the funniest books of the year!
Oh, the Things I Know!
Oh, I've been a fan of Al's ever since the dawn of the Al Franken Decade. (For you younger kids who haven't learned about it yet in your History classes, the Al Franken Decade was the 1980s.)This book is probably my favorite of all of Al's books. Besides being hilarious, it's full of a lot of great advice.Oh, the fun I had reading it!
Oh, the Things I Know!
Al Franken is a funny guy, and I've enjoyed him on SNL back in those halcyon days. But-- This book is like a very prolonged standup routine, or one of his valedictorian addresses. It is mildly amusing, but NOT WORTH $$$--I couldn't help but think of all the trees that were chopped down to make the paper for this fluff-piece he admittedlywrote on airplanes and I suppose while in the can. This isone of those books that is fun to thumb through in a bookstore, but it joins the teeming mountain of fluff booksthat litter every bookstore, books that you wonder how theyever got published. It's mildly amusing, BUT NOT WORTHPAYING FOR, BELIEVE ME! I have learned my lessonand you will thank me, too.
Oh, the Things I Know!
Franken set a high standard when "Rush Limbaugh" came out, but many were expecting a return to excellence with "Why Not Me?". I may have been disappointed then, but now Franken is back. He shows that not only can he do excellent (and occasionally mediocre) political satire, but he can add humor to the oversaturated advice-book fad that has been around for so long. At least this book will not be quite as politically divisive- I can instead look to the variety and quality of his humor spectrum to be a book I can return to often with pleasure.
Oh, the Things I Know!
Al Franken's new book is hilarious! I bought it as a gift for someone else but wound up reading it myself. There are many laughs on every page. Funny, funny, funny.
Oh, the Things I Know!
I picked this book up as a high school senior, noticing the title to be a parody of Dr. Sues' "Oh, The Places You Will Go." (A popular gift from parents to their high school grads) Actually, my first thought upon seeing the cover was, "Lewis Black wrote a book?" Seriously, don't the two look alike? This book is filled with practical advice, wrapped in dry, dark, humor. A great book for your intellectual teen or high school graduate.Al Franken for president 2016!