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I'm Stuck, You're Stuck: Breakthrough to Better Work Relationships and Results by Discovering your DiSC Behavioral Style

As an earlier reviewer noted, this book isn't the DiSC in its purest form. However, it does provide a framework for understanding relationships at work clearly and concisely. I was introduced to the DiSC during a leadership school I attended through work, and this book provided me with the tools and framework I needed to share the model with my staff. In one-on-ones, I've been told that the process was both enlightening and useful on a daily basis.If you're looking for pure DiSC, look elsewhere. But if you want a tool to improve the way you and your staff interact, written in a way that's easy for everyone to understand, this is the book.

I'm Stuck, You're Stuck: Breakthrough to Better Work Relationships and Results by Discovering your DiSC Behavioral Style

I was looking for a book to learn about the DISC tool and to be able to interpret the results of a test, something I could use to train others. This was not helpful. I also purchased the sister book about teams, and that was almost exactly the same as this one. Don't buy both. The same charts were present with VERY minor changes. I don't recommend this book.

I'm Stuck, You're Stuck: Breakthrough to Better Work Relationships and Results by Discovering your DiSC Behavioral Style

I thought this book nailed behavior patterns to a "T", and also provided insight as to how best to approach people. It was very insightful for massaging relationships, but glossed over the fact that some personality types aren't ever going to perform certain functions well no matter WHAT you do (e.g., "social butterflies" are never going to be "producers", and vice versa, no matter how persuasively you ask). You can ease the situation but you're never going to change who a person is at a fundamental level.

I'm Stuck, You're Stuck: Breakthrough to Better Work Relationships and Results by Discovering your DiSC Behavioral Style

I gave the tests to the managers in my store and showed how each of us had different working personalities and what we needed to do to be able to work togther better.

Information Technology Consulting and Other Professional Services Agreements Line by Line

With the technological advances of the past 10 years, technology consulting services have become much more common. These services are provided under contracts that may be unfamiliar to those who do not practice in the field regularly. David Gurwin has given those generalists a great guide to such contracts, with helpful commentary for those lawyer representing either the service provider, or the service consumer.This book will also be of interest to contract administrators, paralegals and non-legal professionals. Mr. Gurwin writes in an easy, fluid manner that does not require a law degree to understand.

Cool Kid's Room

All the apartments are in Paris and are real homes, and not retailer showrooms. The Parisians do a lot with their apartments which are tiny and Manhattanesque. Pretty inspirational. They don't go for super coordinated, Pottery Barn Kids, overdesigned looks. Instead they use lots of found objects and antiques. This book is a good companion to Marisa Bartolucci's Living large in 1000 sq feet or less.

Released under the MIT License.

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