Le Petit Prince
Un livre pour enfants destine a l'adulte. Vous comprendrez mieux votre propre vie apres avoir lu ce livre. Il m'a aide (et m'aide encore aujourd'hui) at traverser mes moments les plus dure.
Le Petit Prince
Tired about the speed at which our world goes? No stress, just buy this book and read it softly.I read the book. Learnt all things said in it. used em as principles. quickly changed my views about it the third or the fourth time I read it. First, I thought it was only a fairy tale with a lot of magic and the regular "They lived happily ever after". Then, I concentrated much more on the stuff the people said. I was just amazed! I never get tired of reading it.To be able to enjoy it fully, you'll have while reading to have the same mentality as yours when you were a young person. You must see the elephant eaten by the snake, not the hat. Just let the book mate you, like the fox would do.If I may make a comment in French, my native language :Ce livre est d'une telle richesse, qu'on dirait qu'il émane son histoire à travers les pages. Plus on avance au cours de l'histoire, plus on se rend compte à quel point ce récit pour enfants est le fruit de nombreuses années de pensées solitaires et d'étude des principes de la vie de la part de Saint-Exupéry. Plus vous le lirez, plus vous serez convaincu que toute la vérité s'y cache. Ce n'est pas un bouquin à feuilleter, vous savez, juste pour voir le chapeau. Non, il faut que vous soyez attentifs et capable de comprendre que l'éléphant est entouré par le serpent boa. Il faut que vous vous transportiez dans l'histoire, et que vous réépousiez la mentalité de jeune personne qui vous a jadis si bien représenté, et qui, j'en suis sur, vous représente toujours aussi bien.Laissez donc ce livre, comme le renard, vous apprivoiser jusqu'à ce que vous ne puissiez vous en séparer. C'est une morale éternelle.
Le Petit Prince
This is a beautiful reading in French of the famous story on CD. The French actors reading the various parts use expression and make the story come alive. They read fast but it is fun to read along with them and hear the correct pronunciation of the words if you already own a copy of the book in French. It is inspiring to hear such confident native speakers. I think this is an excellent learning tool for studying and learning French. If you are a beginning or intermediate student of French, you will know most of the vocabulary but may not how to say the words in seamless sentences like this. After hearing this read a few times, I think you will have learned the French pronunciation and want to hear other French stories on CD as it is much more entertaining to hear the story than just reading the story by yourself. I ordered this CD from the Librairie Franaise in New York and got really fast personal service. The agent walked my order to the post office the same day as my order and I got it the next day.
Le Petit Prince
The book itself is beautiful, and you're willing to pay the price because of the audio CD purportedly included; forget it, then, because i've ordered the book twice, had it delivered twice, and neither delivery included the promised audio CD. Buyer beware.
Le Petit Prince
J'ai lu cette roman dane ecole. J'ai attendu en ecole Francophone dans Quebec. J'ai demange la, et quand je suis arrive je ne parle pas un mot du Francais, mai je traville tres fort, et je lis la texte, et quand je suis fini j'ai achete un copie pour tout les personnes qui j'ai connu
Le Petit Prince
It's difficult for me to write a complete review, as I am still an inexperienced French student. Having read the book as a child (in English, of course), I can rant and rave about the storyline, the message, the fact that it can be enjoyed on different levels by children and adults.What stands out to me about this version is that it's in the original French, and what seemed bizzare in English works well in the author's native tongue. This is one of the best books ever written, and if the option exists, reading it in French would be the best option.