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The Greedy Hand: How Taxes Drive Americans Crazy and What to Do About It

Shales analysis of our tax code is typical of the recent right wing calls for tax revolution. "The Greedy Hand" will likely be sucked up by many white middle-class suburbanites who have lost touch with all that they receive back from government. It is ironic that those who most benefit from our tax dollars--the middle class--are those who most complain about their tax dollars being wasted.Shales' proposals are just as typically hopeless. An elimination of progessive taxes sounds fair and just until you realize it means that those who cause most of the unjustice in this world--wealthy American technocrats--will make out like bandits.

The Greedy Hand: How Taxes Drive Americans Crazy and What to Do About It

Shlaes is a member of the marxist Council on Foreign Relations. The goal of that organization is a world communist government. Which makes me question, immediately, anything she may have written in this book. I haven't read it. I have read a lot about the CFR. And it's not good. The CFR believes in the progressive tax system. So is Shlaes just naive or creating a smoke screen in order to deceive the public?

The Cult of Saint Thecla: A Tradition of Women's Piety in Late Antiquity (Oxford Early Christian Studies)

This is a well-documented study that extended my understanding of the early church. I have no background in this area, but found this particular title in a bibliography of a general study of Christian art. I was able to read the text without difficulty, but I appreciated the extensive footnotes that gave the text the background I needed. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in the early church; I would especially recommend it to women. How exciting that this female follower of Paul (whose name is found in the New Testament) had such a dedicated following for hundreds of years!

Culture Is Our Business

This book is a fun read. McLuhan puts forth his philosophy of technology and the information age through the use of magazine advertisements from the sixties. It was interesting and fun to read the old advertisements, and compare the advertising methods and values of the sixties to today. Some of the advertisements were just down right funny.

Cheng Man-Ching's Advanced Tai-Chi Form Instructions

I have been practicing the Cheng Man-Ching Form for about two and a half years. I have made a point of buying every book with the great man's name on the cover and this book is the one that I pick up and read more often than any other.

Cheng Man-Ching's Advanced Tai-Chi Form Instructions

I love the photos and foot placement diagrams showing the 37 postures of the form - as good as it gets using words and pictures and better than Cheng's other books. The text is also very helpful in understanding Tai Chi philosophy and gives lots of inspiring and helpful practice tips. I do not believe that you can learn the form from any book - you need a good teacher. If you have had or are studying with a teacher of the Yang style short form this becomes a very valuable reference.

Released under the MIT License.

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