Atlas Shrugged
I started this book 35 years ago and abandoned it after a few chapters. At the time it seemed way too far fetched, imagine, government taking over businesses, controlling industries, and choosing winners!In todays world however, it is haunting, even daunting.I had a hard time putting this book down, it is gripping and rarely has a dull moment. For being a work of fiction published 50 years ago, it is scarily similar to where our country is headed.Highly recommended for any thinking person!
Atlas Shrugged
I first borrowed Atlas Shrugged from the Library but it was much easier reading it on my android app so I bought it here.. a very good purchase. I also have listened to the Abridged audio book and it was good also. The book is much better primarily because it has far more depth.Atlas Shrugged is the best book I have ever read. I strongly recommend you read this book. It seems overwhelming in size and substance, but once you get into it, you will not want to put it down. It will challenge your beliefs. It will frighten you when you think about how Ayn Rand knew 57 years ago what would happen to us if we followed the collectivist mentality, and then you realize where our country now is headed. Many people read it repeatedly throughout their lives. Consider yourself warned: This book will change your life. IM John Galt and after reading this book, you will be too.Hint: A is A. Never let anyone convince you A is B.
Atlas Shrugged
Absolutely loved it. It is one of my top three favorites. An engaging story, amazing characters, and sharp dialog. I was looking for a good book to read, and I stumbled upon the most epic story of the 20th century.
Atlas Shrugged
I read this book and felt like it applied to me, completely. My husband and I are close to and have been, in the past, in the highest tax bracket. His sister lives in one of our rental houses for a discount... I am an attorney and would be self-employed but for the 50% tax burden. Wake up America! Punish the sucessful and fail the people who seek employment! There were so many lines I read aloud to my family members, that would listen, it was almost tragic. I bought 8 copies and gave them to any of my friends who would accept it. Please take the time to read this book and then read it again. It is ironic, my husband and I pay $50,000 to the federal government in taxes a year, yet struggle to pay college tuition for our own children! Of course we do not qualify for aid, yet I send other people's children to college, but cannot afford to send my own. Where is the equailty in that?
Atlas Shrugged
In case this is your first encounter with this book, It is a fresh story but a continuation to Ayn Rand's philosophy that started out with books like "We the living" where she new something was wrong but could not put her finger on it. She progressed to books as "The Fountainhead" where she could describe the problem quite well. Now in "Atlas Shrugged she has come up with a plausible answer to the problem. In essence your head can work without your hands yet your hands can not work without your head.The story is not unique but it still holds you attention. The world is becoming more socialized and it is harder for individuals to make an impact without having a multitude of parasites on their back. Some chose to fight, others chose to ignore; some do not have a clue as to what is happening. The world seems to be gearing down is just coincidence or is there some one taking a hand in it. "Who is John Galt?"I can tell you of my experience with the book. I must have been a late bloomer or just unlucky, because I did not come across "Atlas shrugged" until I was 20 years old. I was in the military and needed some reading material. My younger sister sent me the book. It looks just a little thick to me but I started reading, and reading and reading. I do not know if it was the story or the clarity of thought. Now I saw everything in a new or different light. It felt weird to see the newspapers and politics paralleling the book.I was in New York (West Point) at the time and three things stood out to this day. This was a public service announcement on the TV "The law says that an apartment owner can not charge more than 30% of what you make" and at the same time the apartment buildings were closing down. The postal carriers went on strike and the military had to deliver the mail. That winter the snowplow drivers went on strike. When the strike was over the snowplows were missing. They found them the next summer in an empty lot.There is nothing quite as convincing as watching the world and book parallel each other. I have mellowed out some lately. However, I really think that this book should be read by high school age where it would have maximum impact of one's train of thought.It is only fitting that it should be available on the Kindle and mayby one day will be a movie. (hope the movie is a period piece)
Atlas Shrugged
this is a must book for all. It should be on the list of classics must read!